The Master in Organic Chemistry (MASTERQO) is a year-long program for graduate students (60 credits) who wish to improve their knowledge in the field of organic chemistry in both theory and practice and want to develop skills for use in professional work or PhD studies.
It is a joint program developed by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) and the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (USC), combining the experience of three leading Organic Chemistry Departments in Spain.
Other research institutions (CSIC, IMDEA) and chemical companies (Eli-Lilly, Janssen-Cilag, BASF, Crystalpharma, Juste, PharmaMar…) are current collaborators of the program.
Our candidates should have a Degree in Chemistry or related areas having a solid background in organic chemistry in both theory and experimental techniques. They should also have knowledge of advanced synthesis and organic structural elucidation.
The program is common to the three Universities and the students participate in joint activities. Among them, the Master Symposium (click here for overview of past editions), with the format of a scientific congress, deserves special attention as the event in which the students of the three Universities present their results in front of their peers and Master teachers and have the opportunity for sharing experiences, networking and interaction.
The Master is divided in two parts: classroom courses (50%, 30 ECTS) and laboratory research (50%, 30 ECTS).
Classroom courses take place during the first semester (September to January).
Common subjects (18 ETCS):
-Advanced Organic Synthesis and Reaction Mechanisms (9 ECTS)
-Organic Structural Elucidation (6 ECTS)
-Guided Training Activities (3 ECTS)
Non-compulsory subjects (12 ETCS):
The subjects will be chosen from those offered by each university.
Click here for more information about the different subjects and teachers
The Experimental part consists of a Research Project carried out by the student during the second semester (February to July). This research project, chosen from those available each year, will be carried out under the supervision of experienced researchers, either from the University or from one of the collaborative Research Institutions. To qualify for the Master degree, at the end of the semester, the students must present a written report and defend their projects in an oral session in front of a committee formed by professors of the three Universities.
Click here for more information about the research projects offered